Seekbar and layers

Sep 19, 2017

Is there a way to make the seekbar start over on a layer in SL2?

5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

The seekbar starts when the layer shows.

It always restarts whenever you return to a layer if the layer property is set to Set to initial state on revisiting.

It frequently restarts whenever you return to a layer if the layer property is set to Automatically decide on revisiting.

If you want the user to be able to restart the layer's seekbar, go to player.

Choose Features and Allow user to drag seekbar


The user can either click on the seek bar, or click on the restart icon:


If you want the timeline (and therefore the seekbar) to begin again on layer A:

  1. Create layer B with nothing on it except a trigger to show layer A when timeline reaches .01 sec.
  2. Create a trigger on layer A to show layer B when (whatever happens that triggers the restart of the timeline)

Layer B will show for such a short time that it won't be visible, but the timeline of Layer A will be restarted.

Silvia Zanella

I am not really sure that works for me

I have a base layer with 4 buttons to be clicked in sequential order and they are disabled unless the media is complete on the current layer:

e.g. base layer media A (all buttons blocked), media a complete, button 1 enabled

click button 1, media b starts, button 2, 3, 4 disabled

media b complete, button 2 enabled, button 1,3,4 disabled

and so on

however, I want to pause and rewind within the layer the media, 

how can I do that? the player applies only for the base layer as it seems

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