selected button / case à cocher

Feb 04, 2016

Good Afternoon,

I would like to know if we could do a pfecific seatting with the checknox 

I would like to have the selected button when a sentence is finished to read with the synthesis voice...




J'aimerais savoir si'l est possible de faire un paramétrage sur une case à cocher. Après qu'une voix de synthèse ait lu cette phrase, la case à cocher est sélectionnée en automatique ... ? Est ce possible de le faire de façon simple ?

Merci de votre aide.




2 Replies
James Snider

Could you add a trigger that says when the checkbox is clicked or its state changes, the audio files is played from the timeline? You could add the audio file to the slide and then make it invisible so it shows up on the timeline, but is invisible for the user.

Another option would be to use JaveScript to where when the checkbox object is clicked, the audio file is run. Hope that helps.

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