Sending a pass or fail to LMS

Feb 07, 2022

Hello everyone.

I am probably overthinking this massively so apologies if this wins the stupidest question ever award.

I have a simple course that has a var called total_score (original I know!). All I am trying to do is let the moodle LMS know if someone passed or failed the course.

I understand that I must use Javascript to make this happen? So in this example I have 5 steps in a process, for every step the user gets right they score a point. They need 4 out of 5 to pass.

So at the end of this example the total_score var is used to tell them if they passed or failed, but I am trying to let the LMS know this. I found this code

/*get LMS API*/
var lmsAPI = parent;

/*set score; the first number is the score. The second is the max score and third min score*/
lmsAPI.SetScore(x, 5, 0);

Does anyone know how to get "x" to be the same value as total_score? and then send it to the LMS?

Many thanks
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