Show correct / incorrect answers in Storyline 3

Dec 08, 2017

May be a daft question but is there any easy way for a multi choice or multi response question to auto show the correct / incorrect answers once the learner has submitted.?

18 Replies
Laura Douglas

Hi Folks I have a follow up question for this thread - When I review my completed quiz, most of my questions are displaying the correct/incorrect information, however I have a handful of new questions that are not displaying the correct answer.  (pick many and drag and drop questions) Is there a button to turn this on?  Are there some questions that will never display this information (i.e.: drag and drop)  Pick many in the past has typically displayed it.  I read on one post that there is a button to select to turn on show correct/incorrect answer - is that only in quiz maker? or is it in storyline360 as well?  Thanks.

Lauren Connelly

Also, Storyline doesn't show the actual answer for drag and drop questions. You'll only see the object that was dragged.

A workaround for this would be adding a custom state to change on the drag item on review so that the user can see an indication. 

I'd love to hear any other workarounds our community has!

Laura Douglas

Thanks I have tried it both by question and none - I see below that drag and drop will not show correct answer except as an immediate overlay - and I have seen some very thoughtful options to demonstrate the correct answer using the immediate overlay - I was wondering if there is a way to add that check mark when a learner selects the review quiz button after they have taken the quiz.  Typically our clients prefer to hold back on any answer reveals until the quiz has been completed.  Then a learner is allowed to review the quiz and see what they missed and what they got right and what the correct answer is.  In the past we have also way been able to see results on a "pick many" question, but this version of the pick many created through free-form vs graded question - did not allow that.  Am I missing something or is that just how the free-form questions work vs the "graded" questions?

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