Mar 11, 2024

My coworkers and I just discovered that our courses created with Articulate have a pretty big issue. We set our Players to allow Seekbar after completion, then they can go back to the previous slide to review and the play head is accessible. This is a basic option in the modern player in "player controls". We also use Restricted navigation so that the Next and Previous buttons are disabled until after the content is watched. I feel like these are pretty standard settings in the industry (not for everything obviously but they are popular option choices). 

The issue is that after the user goes back to the previous slide they can drag the Seekbar play head to the end and (this is the issue) if they just hold it at the end it will AUTO-ADVANCE THROUGH THE ENTIRE COURSE until it hits the quiz. I feel like this is a result of a program/trigger error combined with our use of "Slide advances automatically". The player moves to the next slide and sees the play head at the end instead of the start. This allows it to skip all triggers that are "start of timeline" and immediately hit the auto advance trigger at the end. 

Edit: just adding that the issue doesn't seem to happen with the Classic player because you cannot "hold" the play head at the end of the seekbar.


10 Replies
Andres Miller

Really hoping someone else has run into this as we will be looking to resolve this issue ASAP. We have regulatory courses that shouldn't exist with this type of "loophole". You can see an example of the interaction at the end of the attached clip.

Walt Hamilton


You could answer without getting involved in a long discussion. Maybe your answer can help Richard, or someone like him. Lots of (seeming) bugs have been solved on the forum by having a better understanding of what the poster is trying to accomplish, and providing another route to that goal.  If your seekbar is on the video, I wonder if you can solve this with a trigger to jump when timeline ends. It can go on the master without being any extra effort if it does work.


I have found that sometimes you need to break up a video to fit in interactions, or other learner options.

Richard Mulcahy

I actually break up videos all the time to fit interactions, but I don't do it with auto advance to appear to the user that it's one seamless video over 2 slides. But that what I like about a discussion forum... the sharing of information and learning what works for other people and how they approach and solve a problem. 

Eric Santos

Hello Andres,

I'm sorry for the trouble with your slides auto-advancing—good call on opening a support case. Unfortunately, my colleague Ian has confirmed that this is a bug in the product. Rest assured that we will look into this and let you know if there are any updates.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to reply to Ian's email in the support case. We're happy to help!