SL2 - Temporarily Disable Next button first visit, enable for second visit

Oct 30, 2014

For my projects the client requires the learner to listen to all audio on the slide before continuing. In SL 1 I had to do this with conditions and variables. I was happy to see it could be done with triggers in SL2, see article,

This works perfect the first time through. The problem is when the user returns to the slide, the next button is once again disabled.

I know my client will want the slide to work as it did with the variables method in SL1, where once a user completed a slide it then remained unlocked if the user returned.

Is there a way to get this effect in SL2 with the new trigger method?

23 Replies
Chris Trefz

Hi Jill,

Yes, I'm using "reset to initial state". I had to so that the slide would automatically replay when the user returned.

I tried "resumed saved state" and what happened was if I return to the slide, the next button was once again disabled, but now the seekbar was stuck at the end of the slide. The play and replay button wouldn't work unless I manually clicked on the beginning of the seekbar to rewind the slide. 


Emily Ruby

Hello Chris!

The resume to saved state should work for what you need, but if it is not, could you share the file here for us to look at? Also, you could have the next button show as not disabled (upon return) by using a variable. You could set the variable to false, and when the user clicks the next button at the end of the slide, the variable will change to true. Then have your "disable the button" trigger set on condition that variable is false.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chris,

To add to this, the rewind/replay button will function as described here based on your slide's revisiting properties. 

As Emily shared you may want to post your .story file here so that the community and staff can take a look and offer additional suggestions on ways to achieve what you're looking for. 

Chris Trefz

Problem Solved!

Here's an update for anyone else trying to do something similar.

Under the player controls:
1. Set menu to "Restricted"
2. Set the seek bar to "read only"

Solved my problem and eliminated the need for conditions, and variables on each slide.

In SL 1, "restricted" only applied to skipping ahead through the menu, it now has the same effect on the individual slides, temporarily locking the next button. And setting the play bar to read only prevents users from skipping the end of the slide.

Great additions, made life a lot easier!

Ashley Kirstein

I'm having trouble with this feature in SL2.

I've set up a slide with layers to disable the "Next" button when the slide timeline starts. This button remains disabled until the learner has viewed all the layers on the slide. There are variables on each layer that correspond to a trigger on the base layer. This trigger causes the "Next" button to change to its "Normal" state. The slide is set to "resume saved state" upon revisiting.

The variables and triggers work correctly, but the "Next" button only changes from "Disabled" to its "Normal" state if I first click the "replay" button beside the seek bar (which I realize isn't supposed to work, since the slide is set to "resume saved state;" it remains clickable, just doesn't rewind the seek bar).

Until recently, I didn't have to do this--once the triggers triggered, the "Next" button changed state without any additional action on the learner's part. Is this a new bug? Is there something I've forgotten to do?

Thanks for help!

Samson Teklemariam

I am having the same problem with this. I am using Storyline 360. 

I have a slide that has three buttons that open 3 separate layers. I have disabled the next button and on the first go everything works smoothly. 

When I go to previous slide then go to the slide in question the second time (I revisit the slide), the next button stays disabled and I am unable to navigate forward. 

I have attached a sample.

Patti Myers

I need the same thing done.  Was hoping Resume to Saved state would work, but it doesn't seem to.  I have my Next button disabled when timeline starts.  The client wants all audio/content done on the slide before next button is active, but wants the option when they select previous or re-visit the slide for it not have to start from beginning or have the Next button be disabled.  I am using Articulate 360.  

Jill Anderson

Hello - I am having a similar problem and I have tried looking at your examples and adding the T/F variable and it still isn't working. I would like the next button be disabled until the timeline is complete, but I would like the next button to be set to normal when a learner goes back to the slide. The functionality to disable the next button works great, but when I go the next slide and hit the back button, it is still disabled even with the added variable and conditions added. I have also tried fiddling with changing the slide properties and that also hasn't worked. Any help would be great! Thank you!

Jill Anderson

Thank you for looking at this Leslie! It seems to be working in the shorter version I attached, but in the larger course it isn't working. I set up triggers in the exact same way and it isn't working like it should. I would like all the slides to function this way after you get through the main menu.

Cheryl S.

Hello Heroes!

I am trying to do the exact same thing as Chris posted, except I am using SL3. I have scoured post after post and tried so many different ways but nothing works. I want the the next button to be disabled on the first viewing, but if they go back/revisit a slide, then the next button should be active. Can you please take a look at the sample slides here and tell me what I'm missing?

Thank you!

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