Unable to advance to next slide when narration ends

Dec 19, 2013

I'm trying to restrict navigation (temporarily disable) the built-in Next button until the narration on the slides ends.  Once the narration is complete, the user is supposed to be able to click the Next button and move to the next slide. 

Problem:  On the first slide -- when the narration ends, clicking Next will not take the user to slide two. 

Screenshots of the steps I took to temporarily disable the Next button are attached.  Is there someone who could possibly review the steps and help me identify and correct my mistake(s)?

I think the problem might be with screenshot #7 -- the object in the Trigger Wizard is unassigned.  But -- I'm having trouble finding a way back to it.  And I'm really not sure how objects and audio work together.  Thanks.

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Beth,

Thanks for sharing the screenshots here. I'd agree, that screenshot #7 is the problem as it's not complete. You'll need to assign the media element that needs to complete before the user can use the next button. You should be able to click on the "Edit trigger" button to add the media element to the trigger. 

Also, it looks like the trigger it set to jump to a slide called 1.2 Next Button? Later you refer to some other slides like 1.25 Summary? If you're going to use the same variable, it'll need to be reset at the start of each slides timeline, and you'll need to set up the conditions per slide. 

If you're still having difficulty with it, can you share the .story file with us so we can get a better look at what's happening and do some testing? 

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