SL360 - Review and Retry Incorrect Questions - Cannot alternate check-boxes on different Reset Results triggers

Jun 18, 2019

So I love this new Retry Questions SL360 feature that has a check box labeled "Review only incorrect questions" in the Reset Results AND Review Results triggers.

However, I've come across an issue in our particular course structure.

The breakdown of our course is that we want the learner to go through an assortment of video slides and quiz slides. Then, at a final accumulated Results Slide we want the user to pass with a score of 80% or more on the quizzes they've taken. If they do not pass, they can Retry Incorrect Questions and start from the first quiz question. This works great and skips slides appropriately!

Then, if the learner fails again, we want them to try again... And again if they fail a 3rd time. However, if they fail one more time (more than 3) we want the learner to retake the whole course. This content is revealed in a new layer in the Results slide which is similar to the default Failed layer. We'll call this new layer Failed Attempts 3+. The only difference in this layer is that we reset the results and jump to the beginning of the course instead of the 1st quiz question.

This is were the issue comes in:

For some reason, when I click the checkbox of the Reset Results trigger of the "Failed" layer OR the checkbox of the Reset Results trigger of the "Failed Attempts 3+" layer it forces the other trigger to be checked the same. 

So, if I check the box in the Failed layer, it checks the box in the Failed Attempts 3+ layer too. Or vice versa. This leads the user to NOT be able to reset the results and then take the questions again the same way the did the first time. It shows only the incorrect questions.

Not sure if this is the best approach for this method of viewing and unviewing only the incorrect answers. I'm open to ideas. AND, I would love to know why or if anyone else is getting this issue of both checkboxes checking/unchecking the same way for any Reset Results triggers in the course.

2 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Wesley,

Setting the option of 'Retry only Incorrect' sets the expectation for the entire course.

We do have an open feature request we are tracking to allow some additional flexibility and variance (Retry All and Retry Incorrect Only) within a course. I've added this conversation to the report as we track user impact.

I wanted to share some information about how we manage these feature requests as that may be helpful.

In the meantime, I hope to see some ideas from the community on how they've overcome this obstacle as well.

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