SL360 - sending the percentage of the score of a quiz?

Nov 03, 2022

I have noticed that in different Storyline360 modules the percentages of the score of a quiz are transmitted to the LMS and in some they are not, although I cannot see any difference in the quiz settings or trackings.
In SL360 is it possible to manually set whether the percentage of the score of a quiz is also sent or not? If yes, how can i do this?
Thanks a lot!

5 Replies
John Morgan

Hi Siegbert,

I'm sorry you're having an issue with percentages being sent to the LMS! Storyline sends the data to the LMS via the submit results trigger. You'll need to check if you have this trigger put in place correctly. I would compare the triggers on a file that is reporting the percentage and isn't reporting the percentage.

Also, here is an article about the type of data Storyline reports to an LMS.

I hope this helps!

Siegbert Kaiser

Hi John,

thanks for the quick reply. Yes, the trigger is set correctly in both cases. What I'd like to know is, does storyline always send all 3 result values (completion, successes & score) by default or can I customize anywhere which of the 3 values are sent to the LMS via the standard submit results trigger?