Slides in Storyview

Nov 19, 2015

My last slide is all the way across the page on storyview. See attachment 1. I am not sure why it does this. The problem is (see attachment 2) when you are in the Scene view then it is too small to use the slides on the side. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

6 Replies
Daniel Sposato (Philly)

It has to do with the way your slides are linked together in the triggers. The red lines in your "attachment_1.png" at the bottom are linking to another slide/slides that are probably causing that to happen. It should go back to normal if change your trigger linkage between slides or move those slides into another scene and then relink them.

Walt Hamilton


Click on a slide thumbnail, hold CTRL and roll your mouse wheel.

Alternatively, go to story view and use the slider in the lower right hand corner of the screen to control the zoom.

IMO: From personal experience, if you spend most of your time working on a slide, it isn't worth spending very much time trying to "fix" this problem. Storyline puts the slides where it wants in Story View, and it has NO relation to anything else in the world, especially not the navigation of your module. Enlarge the thumbs, scroll to the slide you want, and spend your time creating what you need in the slide.

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