States - Mouseover and restore on mouse leave

Nov 20, 2017

Hi there.  I'm working on a pretty simple sorting slide and I'm experiencing some strange behavior with mouseover and states.  I've added a second state to each rectangle to lighten in color on a mouse over.  However, it's very erratic.  Sometimes the buttons will not revert after the mouse leaves.  And if they don't revert, they won't be placed in the drop targets successfully. 

Not sure what's going on, any help would be appreciated. 

5 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Mark

I see what you mean. Instead of using shapes have you tried using buttons with the built in default states and duplicating the 'hover' state to add the triggers.  This isn't an answer why but perhaps a workaround if you need one in the short term. I would probably log a support ticket with Articulate and get them to check it out.

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Mark.  Could you use the built-in hover state instead on those shapes?  I added a Hover state (by duplicating your Mouse Over state), and deleted the triggers to change the state of those buttons.  That seems to work better to restore those shapes to Normal when the mouse leaves.

On a non-quiz slide, I was able to have the same set up you did with shapes, a custom mouse over state, and triggers to change states.  I'm thinking because of the "drag" opportunity with your slide, the mouse hover trigger is acting oddly.

I'll dig in more, but I wanted to share the built-in state idea with you as well.

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