Storyline 1. drag and drop question which only seems to work intermittently

Apr 27, 2015

can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, I have as far as I can see set up the objects and areas in which to drop them correctly. when I previewed the question on my laptop it was working, when I then took it to show a colleague it failed (making me look a little foolish!).  file attached if anyone can advise please what I'm doing wrong?

14 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julie,

Thanks for sharing the file - you mentioned it "failed" do you mean that it just didn't work or that the slide didn't show the correct answer? I know that drag and drops don't always work well with grouped objects, so I'd look at adjusting those images outside of Storyline first, and using the built in text box element to include the numbers as a part of your drop targets or including only the rectangle as the drop target. 



I was able to successfully drag the items into the correct box but even though I put the right ones in the right places (and checked it was set up with correct items linked to correct areas) sometimes the correct answer would be marked as incorrect. I couldn't see what I'd done wrong and would love to fix it as the question within the module and as part of the question bank is fairly crucial to the main learning outcome I want to achieve.



I'm not sure I entirely understand the suggestion Ashley, sorry.  I have 7 objects that I "screen captured" from a pdf and have assigned them to be correct if dragged into 7 different boxes.  Only one object can go in each box at a time.  I've checked that the correct objects are assigned to the correct boxes.  I'm not sure what sort of adjustment I should do to the objects?  Is there a tutorial I could access.  Sorry to be so obtuse

Gary Collins


When using grouped objects in a drag and drop they don't seem to work very well, like Ashley said.

Here is what she is talking about.

1. Your drop targets are grouped together consisting of 2 objects:

a. Blue Box.
b. Text box with number in it.

2. Your drag Items are grouped together consisting of 2 objects

a. Washing hand image.
b. White circle covering up the number on the original image.

So what you need to do here is only have them as one object not a group of objects.

Here is how to do that:

Drop Target:

1. create a text box with the number centered vertically and horizontally.
2. add the blue border to the box.
3. wouldn't hurt to put a background fill in it with the same background on the slide. This way you know you have a solid box for the item to be dropped on.

Now you have the same looking box as what you created before but it is only one object.

Drop Item:

I see how you are covering up the numbers on the original images so that the user doesn't see the answer. But you should do that cover up in a graphics program save it as an image file and then bring them into storyline. This way it will be one object instead of 2 grouped together.


I made those changes and  you will see now in form view the first row doesn't contain grouped objects only single objects.

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