Storyline 2 - Resetting individual slide timers when learners re-take a quiz?

May 26, 2017

Hi guys, I'm struggling with my timers and hoping someone out there can help.

I have a course that is linear, with one results page at the end (per client specifications).  The first half has content slides - text and images, which is followed by three quiz questions.  The second half is a series of short videos with content slides in between, followed by four quiz questions.

The client does not want learners to complete the course unless they have answered all of the questions correctly.  Currently, I have a results slide at the end, with pass and fail layers.  The fail layer advises that the learner needs to re-take the quiz and has a button to do so.  I have triggers on the button to reset the results page, and navigate back to the first quiz question.

My problem is the video slides are not user-advance (to avoid people skipping them).  They auto advance after the timeline for the slide finishes.  When the learner goes back to re-take the quiz, it cycles them through the videos again, but it doesn't seem to be refreshing the slide timer.  Because of this, the course hangs on the first video and never advances.

Any ideas?  I thought about changing the advance trigger to be a set amount of time instead of "when timeline ends", but it seems like the timer just doesn't work when cycling through them again.  I know I could change the "retake" button trigger to reset the whole course, but I was trying to avoid forcing the learner to go through all the content in the beginning.


12 Replies
Elizabeth Eller

To be clear, I'm trying to have the learner re-take both quiz sections - not review, but have their answers go towards a new results page - while skipping the content in between.  What I have done after reading numerous threads on the forums:

On the Incorrect layer of the Results page, I created a trigger to reset the results slide.  It also jumps the learner to quiz question #1, and sets a "first time quiz" variable to FALSE.

At the end of the first quiz section, I have them advance to the "Hey, you're done!" slide.  On this slide:

I have changed the settings to resume saved state when revisiting.

On the submit button, I have created two triggers: Jump to next slide (using the slide number) if the "first time quiz" variable is TRUE, and jump to Quiz #2 slide is "first time quiz" variable is FALSE.

When getting the quiz wrong, it correctly resets the score and starts me at the right point, but the true/false variable does not seem to work, as it does not skip me to the next quiz question, but instead advances to the next content slide.

In an earlier attempt, I had the variable true/false actions swapped, and it would skip me to the second quiz even when it was my first time through the course, so I wondered if it was defaulting to false?

I also tried having the true/false variable jump on the last quiz question, instead of one slide later, but I thought maybe the "reset results" was resetting my variable, and I wanted to set the slide to resume saved state without affecting their score.



Crystal Horn
Elizabeth Eller

 It also jumps the learner to quiz question #1, and sets a "first time quiz" variable to FALSE.


Can you double check that the trigger to set the "first time quiz" variable to false comes before the trigger to jump to quiz question 1?

If it jumps first, the following triggers won't get a chance to fire.

If you would like to attach your project file here, we'd be happy to have a look!  Might be easier if we can get into your setup.

Crystal Horn

Hi Elizabeth!  Just to check in, it looks like Ryan from our support team was able to create a new variable in your file, and it should be functioning as expected:  

I created a new True/False variable (RetryQuiz) and then I added a trigger on the result slide to adjust the value of RetryQuiz to True when the user clicks on the "RETRY QUIZ" button. I also added a trigger on slide 1.17 to jump to slide 1.37 when the user clicks on the Continue button on the Correct and Incorrect layer when the RetryQuiz variable is True. I also added a condition on the trigger that jumps to the next slide when the user clicks Continue when the RetryQuiz variable is False. Adding this condition prevents the quiz from going to slide 1.18 when the user retries the quiz.

Let us know if that worked for you.  Thanks!

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