Storyline 2 - Triggers used to go to next slide layer

Dec 03, 2018

Wondering if anyone else is having this issue with Storyline 2. Our company recently upgraded to Windows 10 so I am wondering if this might be the cause of my issue. I am trying to create triggers to go from one slide to the next. I create the trigger on the slide layer but it disappears and goes to the Base Layer. None of my triggers are working. I have reviewed my book, checked the discussion board and went to YouTube for help. I seem to be following all of the correct steps. Anyone have any suggestions?

5 Replies
Phil Mayor

If you want the next button to cycle through layers then you will need a condition on the triggers to do this.

The condition will tell the trigger when to fire.

You can do it based on the state of objects or use a variable, for example create a variable called "cycle" (a number variable).

Then on your next button create these triggers in this.order:

Add 1 to number when the user clicks the next button

Show layer 1 when the user clicks the next button on condition "cycle" is equal to 1

Show layer 2 when the user clicks the next button on condition "cycle" is equal to 2

Show layer 3 when the user clicks the next button on condition "cycle" is equal to 3


Jump to next slide when the user clicks the next button on condition "cycle" is equal to 4

To ensure this works each time you visit the slide add a trigger to set the variable to 0 when the timeline starts of this slide.

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