Storyline 3 & 360 Compatiblity

Jul 14, 2021

I am trying to open a 360 file in SL3 and I'm getting a message that says I'm unable to open it uses features that aren't available in this version of SL. The features in use are: text scrollbars. We aren't utilizing scrollbars purposefully. What can I do??

1 Reply
Ren Gomez

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you have either started a new project in Storyline 360 Update 52 or upgraded text in an existing project, as this would include the Text Autofit feature. You can read more about it here:

This newly added feature isn't compatible with older versions of Storyline 360 or Storyline 3, though if you upgraded text in your project, there should be a backup that you can use to open in Storyline 3.

I hope this helps clarify your question!