Storyline 3: Limiting Quiz Attempts

Jul 14, 2020


I posted this discussion about a week ago but had to take it down as the story had components that I needed to remove.  However, Judy Nollett's solution to my problem was too useful to be unavailable so I have made the necessary changes to the story and am reposting now.

My initial problem was:

I have tried to implement these instructions to limit the # of times a person can take a quiz:

 Despite the instructions being very clear, I have failed to implement them correctly.  

[The sample story I provided is not attached to this version as it is not relevant.  Judy's working story is attached and her clear and very helpful explanation follows.]

Judy's Reply:

I edited your file so the Retry button disables after the user takes the quiz 3 times (i.e., after clicking the Retry button twice). Here's what I did to your Results slide:

  • On the Failure layer, I moved the "Add 1.0 to QuizTries" trigger so it happens immediately when the user clicks Retry (i.e., before the triggers to reset/redo the quiz). 
    • Trigger order is a common error. (Been there. Done that.) That's a good thing to check whenever you're troubleshooting.
  • On the base layer, I changed the condition so Retry will be disabled when the QuizTries variable equals 2.
    • I did that because the text on the Failure layer says "You have two retries." So I was just making the program match what the text says.
  • Bonus: I added a text box to the Failure layer. It tells the user they don't have any more attempts. It will only appear when the Retry button is disabled. If you use something like that, it should be edited so it also explains what will happen at that point. For example, is there a way for them to be re-assigned to the course so they can try it again? Or will this remain forever on their transcript as a failure? Let them know! 

BTW, when troubleshooting issues that involve variables, it helps to look at what's happening to the variable. Do that with a text box that shows the variable's value, which is entered with a percent sign, the variable name, and another percent sign. For example: "%QuizTries%" (for your story). Put that reference on the screen while testing to ensure the variable is changing like you want it to. Then move the text box off-screen or delete it so users won't see it.

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