Storyline 3 not showing all quiz attempts results

Jan 03, 2019

Hi Everyone,

We allow people to retake quizzes with our lessons.  We need to see the scores from all attempts.  With storyline 3, only the latest attempt's score is showing up.  The latest attempt will override the previous score every time.   This is only happening with lessons we have on storyline 3. 





3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hey Gary,

I see that you've reached out with a similar question here previously and it looks like you were able to work directly with my colleague Jon.

It looks like that may have been a discussion over the phone, so I'm not sure what the solution was at that time, but it looks like you were able to reach a resolution. Has something changed or was this never resolved for you?

I'm going to reach out to Jon as well to see if he can remember your conversation :)

Gary Martin

We thought is was resolved, but it turns out there was a delay in the results being overridden and what Jon and I saw on the phone and what showed up a couple minutes later did not match.  I wanted to try this group again before I open another ticket.   We have over 100 lessons we need to move to SL3, but can't do it if this challenge persists.  Thanks.

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