Storyline 360 Freezes when Tab Order selected

Oct 10, 2018


My SL files are freezing intermittently and randomly when clicking Tab Order. It does not happen when my teammates open the file saved to OneDrive. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it's still happening.

I also installed a large Windows 10 update yesterday and am wondering if this could be the problem?

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Deb,

Are you and your colleagues opening the same files saved on OneDrive? If so, it could be an issue with accessing the files from a non-local location. I'd recommend downloading or saving the file to your desktop or C: drive and then opening in Storyline. Working from a shared/network drive is one of the things known to cause issues in Storyline files that can ultimately lead to corruption. 

Let me know if that helps - you could also look at importing it into a new file to resolve some of the odd behavior. 

Deb Skolnick

Hi Ashley! Thanks for the reply. I always downloaded my storyline files from One Drive to my hard drive before working in them. I also tried importing the slides into a new file. It worked at first but froze on tab order next time I opened it on my hard drive. 

Random files freeze but do so intermittently.  The same files do not freeze on other people's pcs.  

Uninstall and reinstall didn't help. I also followed instructions for fixing erratic behavior. 

Any ideas what to do next? 




Robi Calderaro
LSI Dev1


My SL files are freezing intermittently and randomly when clicking Tab Order. It does not happen when my teammates open the file saved to OneDrive. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it's still happening.

I also installed a large Windows 10 update yesterday and am wondering if this could be the problem?


The same happens to me. How was this issue fixed?


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