Storyline 360 M/Choice Question Stem Maximum Text Limit

Feb 07, 2019

I'm trying to help another author troubleshoot a couple questions that break when playing from LMS (the questions are in 17 languages, and at least 1 dozen languages display the same questions correctly).

The English question stem works but is way longer than I would write (9+ lines). The languages that break translate longer than English: both Chinese, Thai (see attachments) losing or layering text, and Portuguese and Arabic are not reloading correctly on return to the question. Other similar questions with shorter question stems display correctly for those languages within the same language tests.

(btw...another issue also seen in attachment is perhaps related/or maybe not: the 2 problem questions each correspond with funky numbering in Menu on left...showing 2 Question #6's and 2 Question #11...even though the misnamed links to those questions show the correct next question. 14 total questions in quiz, but Menu 1-12, with 2 #6's and 2 #11's).

I suspect the text is too long and will  work if edited down...but because this means 17 translations, I'm trying to determine the actual text limit for the question stem field.

I've spent way too much time this evening searching for the answer thru Articulate Support Topics and Heroes...but no luck so far related specifically to Storyline 360 in recent years.

Can someone put me out of my misery and tell me where to find the answer?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!


3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hey Brett,

I'm not sure of any limit outside of what you are running into. I managed to put 3,000 characters in my multiple choice question, so I believe adjusting your text box settings will alleviate any missing text.

I've attached my example below.

As for the question numbers that you're referring to, I'm not sure that I've seen that issue before.

With your permission, I'd like you to share your project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening. You can share it privately by uploading it here. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.

Brett Lee

Thanks Leslie,

Does the 3000 limit work exactly the same for double-byte languages? If you at 2nd attachment above (funkyQuestionStem2.png), doesn't that look like corrupted text rather than exceeding the text size limit? Or is that what you would expect to see if the radio button and checkbox you animated aren't set? This works in HTML5 and not Flash (in IE8).

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