Storyline 360 on a high DPI monitor

Jan 05, 2017

Hello lovely people!  

I've run into an interesting problem with Storyline 360 (that I am currently trying out).  On a Windows 10 laptop with Custom Scaling set to 150% Storyline 2 looks just fine, looks crisp and clean and lovely.

But with Storyline 360 on the same laptop, with the same settings, it is blurry.  This is only fixed by dropping the Windows custom scaling down to 100% for Storyline 360 (and leaving it for the rest of the apps on the laptop).  

Of course, this means that Storyline 360 is now very small on the screen.  It is crisp and clean but very small and almost unusable.  

I have looked around for some threads and found that you only recommend that Storyline runs at 96dpi (which is what custom scaling deals with) but what I don't understand is how can Storyline 2 look perfect but Storyline 360 (with the same code base) doesn't cope with custom scaling in the same way.

Please help

38 Replies
Alex H

Is there any update on this? I have looked everywhere, and most posts regarding this problem are 3-4 years old. No matter what combination of settings I choose, the Storyline interface is still pixelated on a 4k screen. There doesn't seem to be a straight answer anywhere. Can we conclude  that Storyline just hasn't been updated for HiDPI / Retina screens yet?

Katie Riggio

Hi there, Amy!

Thanks for checking in!

I'm sorry I don't have an update about 4K display support at this time. I'll raise your note to my team, so the second there's more to share, this discussion will be the first to know.

For now, we recommend:

And as always, our technical experts are happy to review various combinations with you! Feel free to start a conversation with them here.

Dean Holland

Any update on this? I've got the same problem - brand new user of Storyline 360 on Windows 10 on a retina MacBook Pro via boot camp (native res 2880 x 1800). I have to choose between text and images that are crisp but too small (100%), blurry but OK for size (125%, 150%, or 175%), or crisp but too big (200%). 

Carlito Tomas

We've been putting up with this for years. Monitors have moved on to sharper resolutions, as have 100% of the other apps on my PC. None of those other apps costs nearly as much as Storyline 360. Even my free apps know how to scale. Don't any of the Articulate team have a high-resolution monitor? If so, how can you stand it?

It's tempting, when you're the best product in your genre, to attain the type of hubris that lets you ignore your customers, neglecting a key feature we need for proper function. One would hope that the Articulate team would take their product's lofty status more responsibly.