Storyline 360 Results slide not showing Success and Failure layers when drawing 10 slides from 32

Dec 20, 2019

I have a Storyline 360  [latest update] course that pulls 10 questions from a Question Bank consisting of 32 questions. [The course is ATTACHED]

The Passing Score is set to 90%.

It worked fine when I included ALL the questions, but now that it's pulling only 10, it does the following:

Results slide shows the score but NOT the Success or Failure layers.

Here are the Results slide triggers:

Submit results 1.12 Results Slide
When timeline starts on this slide

Show layer Success
When timeline starts on this slide
if Results.ScorePoints [greater than or equal to] variable Results.PassPoints

Show layer Failure
When timeline starts on this slide
if Results.ScorePoints < variable Results.PassPoints

This is the same as I've always done in the past, so what is the issue? Not using the player -- have custom interface.

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