Storyline 360 review results "required"

Jan 30, 2018

I have a quiz that I want the user to review the results if they fail. How do I make it a requirement before they move to the next slide? So far, I have tried setting a trigger to "Jump to next slide after state of "review quiz" button has been visited", but it's not working.  Any advice?

5 Replies
Anna Alog

Hi Wendy,

The quiz is at the end of a scene. Before the user is able to move onto the next scene, I want them to review the results of the quiz, especially if they fail the quiz. Reviewing the results will tell them which ones they answered correct/incorrect. If they pass the quiz, I do not need them to review the results. I have a "review results" button on the failure slide, but what trigger do I need to add?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anna,

It looks like you're review is working correctly - and upon the review they'll be returned back to your results slide. You could look at disabling the next button on that slide alone - and then set a custom button to jump to the next slide after they've gone through the review. Would that type of set up work for you? 

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