Storyline is Super Slow

Jun 06, 2019


I noticed that Storyline is overall slow - attaching picture, resizing image, changing fill color, editing text - almost all actions take time. Let alone previewing the content.

Is there anyway to resolve this problem - productivity is highly affected.


Thanks in advance.




5 Replies
Gerry Wasiluk

Just curious--what are you running for anti-virus or anti-malware software?

I normally run two at the same time (I know that's a recommended "no-no") but I have a powerful rig.  It's amazing how fast SL360 gets when I shut one of them down.  (I have Norton 360 and Webroot and I usually shutdown Webroot when working on SL360 projects--instant speed boost :) )

I work at home and own/control completely my own PCs so I can do that.  Folks working in organizations with company equipment often can't do that, unfortunately.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Drew,

I'm sorry to hear you've had a bit of a slowdown! In addition to Matthew and Gerry's excellent suggestions I wanted to share a few other ideas:

  • Are you on the latest update of Storyline 3 or Storyline 360? Storyline 3, build 3.6.18134.0 or

    Storyline 360, build 3.28.18944.0. Both of those have a number of recent performance improvements included - so if you're using an earlier update I'd start with this! 

  • How often do you shut down Storyline and/or your computer? I do so nightly, as we all need a rest from time to time. 
  • Are you running lots of other media-intensive programs? Have you tried closing those out to see how Storyline behaves?


Lastly, our Support Team is at the ready to help look into any performance issues one-on-one! Reach out to them using that link (or let me know you'd like help) and they'll connect with you on next steps. 

Lauren Connelly

Hi Kris!

Sorry you've hit this snag! I haven't come across this error before but I'm happy to help. 

How do you speed up Storyline 360?

If Storyline 360 is slow we recommend performing a quick repair of Storyline 360 to do the trick.

Will this affect the end-user?

It shouldn't affect the end-user because an end-user would be viewing the published output on a website or Learning Management System.

I'm happy to test the file on my end to see if the error is specific to the project. You can either share it in this discussion by using the Add Attachment button or share it privately using this upload link. 

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.