Storyline - Print Results - output doesn't include course title

Jul 08, 2012

When I have Storyline print results, the report generated does not contain the course name.  If I have several courses people can take, I need the name to appear on their results page.  Is there a setting I am missing?

47 Replies
Nicole D

Kenneth Hansen said:

Hi there all you awesome people.

Where can I add additional fields to the "Enter your name" when I click Print result? (And where can I change this text?)

I Need a Name, Department and Address.

And where in the report.html file is the data from this placed?

Would like to know how to edit this as well. Thank you!

Stoo Potts

Hi Kenneth and Nicole!

I saw that you asked how you can change the Print Results report prompt at least a year ago but I didn't see a reply to your question. I also needed to change the prompt for a project and found that Storyline 2 actually has an easy built-in means to do this without changing HTML or executing JavaScript. Here's how you do it.

You just change the Text Labels in the player settings as shown below for labels 60 and 61:

Text Label Settings

The labels that were changed above look like this when the user clicks the Print Results button on the Results slide:

Changed Prompt

The report that is produced for printing will look something like this:

Report with changed prompt information

I hope this helps whoever needs it!

Timothy Condon

Nice job, Stoo! Here's another thread that some people may find helpful which details how to customize the printed results. My comment in the thread includes an attachment which serves as nice template to work from.

Tiffany Shogren

Ashley, earlier in the thread you mentioned that there is a known issue with the printing results when re-entering the course. Do you know if this is still an issue? I have a project that has all of the details appearing correctly when end users complete the course the first go-around, but it doesn't show the questions and points if they exited and returned to complete the course.

Jacqui Yoo
Petre-Marian Trocaru


When I push the "Print results" button, a screen pops up, asking me to fill in a name. I did as asked and still nothing happens. I marked the "Allow user to print result" option.

Please help me to print


I have my course uploaded to a web server (published for web, not LMS), and when I click "Print Results", I get the enter name popup, then nothing happens. Same results when I publish for LMS and upload to

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