Storyline use of free engage downloads

Oct 12, 2012


This is my first post to the forum and I'm currently in the trial period of articulate. My company has decided to try this product. I am used to adobe captivate, so I'm looking for some functionality questions to be answered.

1. Can I as a Storyline user download and use the free downloads in the engage folder, without having Engage? I would really like to incorporate some of those pre-created templates. Please if I can do this, let me know how?

2. Is there a benefit to having the studio plus storyline? What's the difference?

Please any comments and help would be great. The company I just began working is in the process of creating an in house training and development program, so good quality e-learning program is a necessity.



3 Replies
Lisa Jastremsky

Thanks Phil,

I was just hoping to use some the downloads as they seem very proffesional.  I really like the one that shows book pages being turned, and the one that has the images moving in a carousel  motion.   Do you find that there are ways to re-create this type of thing in Storyline without using engage?



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