Storyline version 3.7.12674.0

Apr 09, 2018


I am having issues with three courses in Success Factors. These courses do not move forward after the first slide in Chrome and Mobile browsers, they work well in IE. I am currently using version 3.14.15225.0 of Storyline.

All the courses exported with version 3.7.12674.0 work perfectly in the same LMS.

I would like to download the old version (3.7.12674.0) to do some testing.

I look forward to hearing from you.


14 Replies
Alejandro Garces

Hi Leslie, 

Thank you for your quick answer. We already tested the three courses in Scorm Cloud and Moodle and they work perfectly using any browser or phone. The problem is specificly in Success Factors. The thing is that we have published before at least 15 couses in SSFF developed in SL360 and they work fine, so that´s why we think the it has to do with the version.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Alejandro Garces

Hi Leslie,

We found someone who had the version 3.7.12674.0. We exported the projects in that version and they worked perfectly in Success Factors, which means the situation is generated by the latest version of SL360.

Please let me know if the support team finds what it could be.



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