Storytemplate not recognized

Jun 25, 2015

I created a new template for my projects in SL2 and saved as .storytemplate file. It's in my Storyline Templates folder, but the icon is white-I can't open it. What's up?


Melinda Romanek

8 Replies
S. Yu

Any updates on this issue? 

I was using templates with no issues, but then was upgraded to a new laptop (Windows 7) and now I have the same problem with the new computer not recognizing .storytemplate files.

I was able to manually connect Storyline to .storytemplate files (double-click the file >> in the prompt, select "choose your own program", navigate to Storyline.exe, check box for "always open with this program"), so there is a fix.

I'm simply curious if there's been any discussion on this. Let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thanks! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi S, 

I would suspect from the description of updating your system it was no longer recognizing the set up, but it's difficult to say without taking a further look at your specific set up. If you'd like you're always welcome to connect with our Support engineers here, but it sounds like you're good to go based on setting it in the program folder. 

S. Yu

@Ashley: The upgrade was to a totally new laptop, so I agree it is difficult to say what the problem might be without a further look. If it continues to be a problem, I will contact the Support engineer, thanks!

@Mike: That is strange and thanks for mentioning it. I haven't seen that issue but if I do, I'll know I'm not alone! 

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