Text Entry Enter Key

Jun 09, 2016

I am using a text entry field to get a User's name in my course. However, most users will generally hit enter after typing which results in reduced size font on the other slides. 


I added a trigger to jump to next slide when user presses the Enter key as both a slide trigger and as a trigger attached to the text entry box, however, not only does it not jump to the next slide, it also makes a space just as it did without the trigger. Any help would be appreciated.

13 Replies
Jeff R

Here is an example. I actually got it to go to the next slide (not sure what changed, sometimes this seems to happen), however, the space still registers with the input. This is particularly a nuisance when someone has a longer name, as on a few of my slides the names look very small. It is less obvious in this example, but still noticeable with the rectangle on slide 2.


Really appreciate your help!

Jeff R

I appreciate your help, and Robert's as well. What I am looking for (and it seems there are a few similar threads with text limiting and no solution) is behavior like any other online data entry field, where an enter key is restricted-- when filling out online forms, enter generally does nothing (including not adding a giant space/line to the data entered). Generally, online forms give you the option to tab to another field, and fewer will do this when hitting enter. This would require additional formatting options to text entry fields, or an additional option for text entry with constraints.


Again, I appreciate your help. The best option is to either exclude the personalization for the user, or direct them to hit next, which will work about 23% of the time in my experience.

Brian Dennis

FWIW Jeff I'm guessing you could execute some custom javascript triggered by the lost focus that looks at the input and sets a "nextslideok" boolean variable. This variable in turn would be the trigger for a Jump To Slide

Far from elegant. The pitfalls to my idea include a) it's ugly javascript, b) JS doesn't work for local content OR preview and c) js is hard to support for non-coders

Jeff R

Thanks Bryan! Unfortunately, I am not a coder :(      I was able to fix the jump to next slide issue by removing an additional trigger for the slide itself. So in the example I attached above, it does work, however it includes a giant space in some of my slides (as in the thought cloud part) and tiny text that gets bumped up (as in the rectangle example). I did find this: https://www.articulate.com/support/storyline/how-the-enter-key-behaves-in-data-entry-fields which I am trying to manipulate the input field to be precisely the correct size as mentioned in the link to only capture the text. I will definitely report back if I find something that works.

Jeff R

Definitely think I overthought this one. Working with Robert, he sent me a test file this morning where he converted a test question into my slide with a trigger to jump to next slide. I noticed one big difference about his slide....the textbox was much smaller in height. I adjusted my textbox's height, problem solved. It doesn't look as neat with the larger text, but it works. 


Thank you everyone for your help!

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