The Fill-In Blank Interaction is Totally Broken

Nov 01, 2023

Guys, you seriously have to fix the way your fill-in-the-blank interaction works. It's not consistently responsive with many elements whether I try variables or text entry values. 

I've been trying and trying for a week to make it so that the slide advances to the next layer when the user enters the E key and if all variables (other letters) are all true. That's exactly how it should function, and yet, it doesn't respond to anything.

I've also tried to advance to the next layer if the user presses the E key and the text entry value is an exact series of words. Still nothing. What is this??

1 Reply
Tom Kuhlmann

Without seeing how you have the file set, it's hard to diagnose. However I created a demo file (attached). I set it up a few ways:

  • Press ABC keys and then press E. It goes to a layer.
  • Press ABC buttons and then press E and it goes to a layer.
  • Add ABCE to text entry fields, hit submit, and it goes to a layer.

Those three ways all are working. You can test it here.

When I added the third option with text entry, the value isn't set until the text entry box loses focus. If you have a text entry box where the user enters E and also a trigger that shows layer when E is pressed, I supposes that the press key trigger won't work because the user is in the middle of a text entry trigger and that needs to lose focus first (which is why I added a submit button).

Hope that helps. If not, you can always share your slide so one of the people in the user community can look at it and offer more specific help.