Tiled web page background in Storyline 3

Jul 28, 2017

In Storyline 1 and 2, my team used to patch story.html and story_html5.html after publishing so we could tile a small PNG across the web page background (e.g., the areas beyond the slide content). It was a relatively easy edit to make -- for example, in the HTML5 version, we just had to insert "background-image:url(bg_tile.png);" into the style instructions right after the background color reference.

I'm trying to figure out where to do this after publishing in Storyline 3 (HTML5-only), but to no avail. Anyone have suggestions?

(NB: It would be a great feature enhancement if we could do this within SL3 -- being able to select an image to tile instead of just a single, flat color for Page Background.)

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Eric and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Great question and this seems to have changed, but thank goodness someone beat you to the question so I have the solution ready to share.

Check out David's response here on how to get this added.

You're right, that would be a cool feature and I encourage you to share that with our team here.


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