Too many layers!

Apr 17, 2017

I have a slide with 3 components (main layers).  For each component (layer) I added multiple layers.  I can't find the base layer at all to go back and forth with triggers.  HELP!  

I need to either come up with a new plan, find the base layer, make it more interactive rather than static (for sure), but don't know where to begin.  

I have been working on it for three days getting the information in.  Now, how do I undo without undoing the HOURS, DAYS spent and simplify or simply make it work??  I'm talking about slide 1.12 - Focus 1 - What is Said, What is Not Said and Words.

20 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Eileen

I created three new slides for the three topics on 1.12.  I then added the respective layers to each slide. I created three variables so the next button could be disabled when timeline starts on 1.2 and then next button changes to normal when timeline starts on 1.12 on condition that the three topic variables are true.  Each variable is changed when the first slide of the topic timeline starts - you may want to amend that action.

Your triggers to return to main menu may also need to be tweaked.


Eileen Vaglia

Hi Wendy,
You were such a big help last time. Let me look at what you did. Do you
see what I mean about static and boring? I want to make them more
interactive. I also want to make some kind of quiz for sorting examples of
each. Any suggestions? I don't want it to be drab. I know it's my first
time, but I want it to be interesting.

Let me look and I'll be right back. If the triggers need tweaking, will
you advise? Be right back.

Eileen Vaglia

I don't see anything different. I want to be able to go back to the base
level after completing all of the components on the what is said layer. I
want to be able to hover on the monkey on the base layer and then go to the
what is NOT said layer. Then view that and go to the last layer, words. I
started to make buttons but got so bored with the layout and couldn't get
back to the base layer. Looks like you couldn't too. What do I do?

Is it possible to or should I take them out and make them all new slides?
I'm overwhelmed.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Eileen

you said you had too many layers to handle on the 1.12 slide so I took the content on the main 3 topics and made them into slides and added whichever layers related to the specific topic to those slides.  Here is your story view on the left.  You have the 1.12 slide.  Here is my story view on the right, where I have made slides 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 one for each of the three topics so it's easier for you to handle

Like I said in the post above you may need to tweak the triggers to make it work how you want. 

Hopefully someone else will chime in with a better way for you if you don't want to use the slide setup I've used.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Eileen

remember we discussed this last time.  If you are viewing through the email you won't be able to attach files to the thread or download files from the need to select view and come into the forum.  It would be better if you accessed the ELH via the website so you can see all the attachments

Wendy Farmer

Hi Eileen attached is the file again (I have removed the first file above to avoid confusion). Also attached is a video that shows how it goes back and forth - delete the file you have downloaded - perhaps there was an issue with the upload/download.

ELH means elearning heroes forum.  Come into the forum means being on the website and not trying to access via your email.

Eileen Vaglia

So now you are saying delete what I downloaded with SF on it?? I published
the one you gave me. I am unable to go into any of the added slides. I
thought that was what you meant before seeing your email.

Originally, what I had done before contacting you, was, when I clicked on
the quote boxes I was able to go into each separate section (there were
6). I had a "return to main page" meaning the quote box page with 6
options (greeting....). I had disabled the next button until all 6 were
viewed. There is a video on the first (greeting and attached it by doing
the "jump to URL like you guys showed me. It worked initially.
Each was a separate layer and they were all inclusive until all 6 were

Then it worked to go to the "What is NOT said", but couldn't get back to
the original slide with all three options (base slide). For some reason it
was not a slide option. UGH.

Now when I click on quote boxes, I get to the first one and then can't go
anywhere but to the next button and that takes me to the page with 3
choices (base slide). That means I am missing the other 5. Is this making

Wendy Farmer

Hi Eileen

did you see the new file I posted above and the video I posted showing how I can click on each of the boxes and it returns to the focus slide, then I click on the monkey - it goes to the monkey slide, then comes back to the focus slide, then I click on the words and it goes to a slide that has another 6 buttons that don't go anywhere but I put a trigger on it so you could see it can return to focus.

It's fine if you don't want to use the setup - hopefully someone else will chime in with what you want. All the best.


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