Tracking 1 results slide in a package that contains 3 results slides.

Mar 05, 2018

I cannot get the Result slides 2.2, 3.2 and 4.2 to go to the correct slide layer at Results slide 7.1. The problem is it is always showing the Fail layer even when I pass the quiz. Pass rate is 80%


  • The learner only has to complete 1 quiz, depending on their profession within the hospital.
  • Results slides 2.2, 3.2 and 4.2 have been set up, in the Edit Results Slide, to "combine points from each quiz" at an 80% pass rate
  • When I pass any of the quiz, it always goes to the Fail layer.

I have tried multiple scenarios including adding a trigger to go to base Result slide 7.1 when the result is Greater than 80% - however nothing is working for me.

I understand that Articulate can only calculate results from 1 result slide, hence we have created Result slide 7.1

Q. Is it possible to have 3 quiz's in a package and have the results slide (7.1) only track the quiz the learner completes and have this recorded into an LMS?

Articulate Technical support have been working me through this, however they cannot see how this would work but do believe some customers were able to make a workaround for this using a trigger. They suggested that since this is more of a course development/design concern, it's better for me to post this in an E- Learning Heroes community forums. Course developers and designers in the community forums may be able to provide better techniques, approaches that I can apply in my project.

Thank you!



9 Replies
Christian Herman

If you're using Javascript to report the score to your LMS, you can use Storyline 360's brand new completion trigger to report status.

In the file you uploaded, you had the quiz results slide calculating from 7.1 instead of their quizzes. Be sure to fix them to calculate from their respective quizzes. Also, you had deleted the variables from the 7.1 results slide. You'll need one of them, but because you can't manually recreate them, you'll need to delete and rebuild the final results slide. I assume the variables will be named "Results4....". Then:

  1. Delete the "Submit results" trigger.
  2. Add the following triggers to pull in the score from whichever quiz the learner took:
    • Set Result to the value of Results1.ScorePercent / When the timeline starts / If Results1.ScorePercent is Greater than or equal to 0 / AND Results2.ScorePercent is equal to 0 / AND Results3.ScorePercent is equal to 0
    • Set Result to the value of Results2.ScorePercent / When the timeline starts / If Results2.ScorePercent is Greater than or equal to 0 / AND Results1.ScorePercent is equal to 0 / AND Results3.ScorePercent is equal to 0
    • Set Result to the value of Results3.ScorePercent / When the timeline starts / If Results3.ScorePercent is Greater than or equal to 0 / AND Results1.ScorePercent is equal to 0 / AND Results2.ScorePercent is equal to 0
  3. Remove the exit button from the slide base and add a Success layer.
  4. Since it looks like you are reporting to the LMS only when the course is passed, move the Javascript trigger to the Success layer.
  5. Modify the layer triggers to respond to your custom Result variable, which now contains the quiz score:
    • Show layer Success / When the timeline starts / If Result is Greater than or equal to Results4.PassPercent
    • Show layer Failure / When the timeline starts / If Result is less than Results4.PassPercent
  6. To report the completion status and exit the course, create a button on the Success layer with the following triggers:
    • Complete course / when the user clicks (Be sure to select the status "Complete/Passed" in the trigger properties.)
    • Exit course / when the user clicks
  7. When publishing, navigate to Reporting & Tracking > Tracking, and select "Track using complete course trigger".

I hope this will work for your needs.

Angela Cisternino

Thank you very much for the detailed instructions!

I have done steps 1-4 and step 6. I deleted all the content on my base layer too - is this okay? assuming that the learner will only see layers Fail or Success, depending on their score.

Step 1 - I added these 3 triggers to the results base layer (7.1)
Do I need to remove the trigger on the base layer that says "Show layer Fail/ when timeline starts/ Results < less than 80.00  ?

When I go to Step 5 - Modify the layer triggers to respond to your custom Result variable, which now contains the quiz score:

  • Show layer Success / When the timeline starts / If Result is Greater than or equal to Results4.PassPercent
  • Show layer Failure / When the timeline starts / If Result is less than Results4.PassPercent

I cannot see Results4.PassPercent in my drop down list. What am I doing wrong?

And am I doing Step 5 to layers Fail and Success? Or on the base layer (7.1)?

I have attached my updated file.  Thanking you in advance.

Christian Herman
Do I need to remove the trigger on the base layer that says "Show layer Fail/ when timeline starts/ Results < less than 80.00 ?
And am I doing Step 5 to layers Fail and Success? Or on the base layer (7.1)?

Yes, delete that trigger. In Step 5 you create new triggers on the base layer that control when the Success and Fail layers show.

I cannot see Results4.PassPercent in my drop down list. What am I doing wrong?

Sorry, I was lazy and didn't test this. The variable will be named Results.PassPercent, not Results4.PassPercent.

To get the variable, duplicate slide 7.1. Storyline will create the variables and link them to 7.2. You can then delete 7.1.

Lastly, you simplify those triggers in Step 2. I just noticed you have a T/F variable for each quiz, so we'll use that to determine which quiz score to capture. They should look like this:

  • Set Result to the value of Results1.ScorePercent / When the timeline starts / If Medical is equal to True
  • Set Result to the value of Results2.ScorePercent / When the timeline starts / If nursing is equal to True
  • Set Result to the value of Results3.ScorePercent / When the timeline starts / If AlliedHealth is equal to True

And just to be on the safe side, go to slide 1.7 and reorder the variable change triggers to be above the slide jump triggers for each click box. If the jump happens first, the module will likely not perform the variable change.

Angela Cisternino

Thanks again - I have updated the file as per your instructions. 

When I tested this, and passed the Allied Health assessment, I received the pass results slide (4.2) and the Success layer (7.1)

When I fail, I get the failed results slide (4.2) but the Success layer (7.1)

The pass rate is 80% - as per the triggers to show layer Success/Fail on the base layer of the results slide (7.1)

Is my slide properties for 7.1 correct? I have selected "Combine points from each quiz" with passing score 80% - because the learner only needs to do one.

Do I need to delete any triggers from Results slide, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2 ?

I have uploaded a new file. Sorry if I've missed something (it's complex). I have tested and reviewed my changes multiple times, including on our LMS, and I am getting the same outcome.


Christian Herman

The conditions on the layer triggers are written backwards. The Success trigger should have the condition: Result >= Greater than or equal to Results.PassPercent. The Fail trigger should have the condition: Result < Less than Results.PassPercent.

Best practice is to use the variables instead of hard-coding the passing score into the triggers. Referring to the variables allows you to change the passing score in the results slide settings without breaking the triggers.

I've simplified the triggers that copy the quiz scores to the Result variable; because you're using the T/F variable for each quiz as a condition, you don't need the score conditions.

I've simplified the triggers in your 7.1 Success layer. By changing the initial state of all the messages to Hidden (using the States panel), you only need the 3 triggers which determine which message to show.

Lastly, I've reordered the triggers on slide 1.7 to ensure the T/F variables are set before the slide jumps.

I'll let you test the course. It's been nearly 4 years since my last pedo BLS certification and I'm REALLY rusty!

Angela Cisternino

It worked! THANK YOU! Thank you for sending me the updated file.

I have tested this on our LMS and the correct result layer slides are coming up. This is a big deal for us as we have always had issues with this file.

It was very complex for me and so I will keep this conversation/instructions/tips for future projects.

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