Translation of varables

Jan 27, 2014

Dear Storyline-Team,

currently I try to create multiple fill in the blank fields on one page. I saw already this helpful video:

But I would prefer a different way, so that after every entry a green check mark or a red cross appears. That worked pretty good by using the different states in combination with variables.

The problem is the translation in different languages - the test above in Spanish needs other variable text - and the text of the variables is not exported within the translation tables.

So if we change the language of our training we have to change each text of the variables by hand.

It would be very helpful if there is an other way of exporting the variables for translation or if there is a way to link the trigger event with text in a table that must be compared with the inserted text by the user.

Thank you very much for your help.
Greetings from Germany,


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