Trigger to enlarge to make the image small again?

Mar 19, 2021

Hello wonderful people!

I have an image that I enlarged using a trigger (works fine) but I am having difficulty with getting the image back to its original state once it is enlarged. I tried the trigger, click outside the image and that is OK, but my users are not very tech savvy and this trigger may create some frustration that I want to avoid. Can you please assist me? I have added the file. Thank you so much!

4 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Whatever you do, you need to delete this trigger:


An object with a Selected state has a built-in superpower to do what this trigger does. If you create one to do that, it will cause conflicts with the built-in one. In this case, the conflict prevents the object from returning to Normal state when the object is clicked again.

As to the question you asked about getting non-savvy learners to click the object a second time (good call, by the way; only those of us who develop with SL can be expected to know that repeated clicks will toggle between different forms), the attached sample shows a couple of methods.