Trying to create a course where users can save progress and return

Dec 11, 2013

The course I'm working on is pretty lengthy, so I'd like users to be able to save their progress (i.e., by clicking a save button) and then return to the course later by logging in with a unique username.  Ideally, once the user logs in, they'll be taken to the slide where they left off.  I'm pretty new at this--this is only my second Storyline creation--so any help would be greatly appreciated!

15 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sarah,

It looks like Michael and Brett are helping you out here, and I also wanted to point you to a cool example about how to have the user click a "save" button (this is specific to states on a slide) and depending on your user's you may want to incorporate something similar so that they feel like they're saving instead of just exiting the course (which the resume prompt is enabled, will bring them back to where they left off). 

Eric Isaksson

I have a similar but at bit more complicated issue.

My course will be uploaded to an LMS-system where the learners will have to log in to access the course. 

I want their progress to be saved so that they may leave the course and return at a later time without having to start from the beginning. The solution mentioned above wont solve my problem however, as they may very well use another computer. I need their progress to be linked to their unique account in the LMS-system. 

Is this doable with Scorm or Tin Can Api or some other solution?

Steve McAneney

Eric, Hi. 

Have a look at the tutorial Michael Hinze has linked to. 

It covers what settings to use when using an LMS. The location of the course can be recorded by the LMS so the user can resume from the same place using any computer (this is pretty much industry standard). Hope you get on alright.

Jürgen Schoenemeyer
Andrea Beck

Hi everybody,

I have the same problem in a very long tutorial. The lesson has 7 sections. Each section concludes with a quiz and a results slide. If I successfully complete the first section, close the learning unit and resume it, it´s working. The tutorial saved the success and starts at the same point, but no longer after the second section. When resuming, I end up back at the beginning of the second section, the successful completion was not saved. Is there a trick? or an additional setting? It's my first long learning unit, so far this was not relevant for the short learning units.

I'm happy about every tip.

Jose Tansengco

Hello Andrea, 

If you're encountering issues with the resume behavior of your course, there's a possibility that it is exceeding the suspend_data limit imposed by your LMS. Here's a helpful article which explains what the suspend_data is and how it affects the resume behavior: 

To test if your course is exceeding the suspend_data limit of your learning standard, enable the LMS debug mode of your course and go through it while monitoring the logs. If your course is exceeding the suspend_data limit, at some point in the logs, you'll see an error message stating that "the suspend_data limit has been exceeded" followed by a value showing how much you exceeded the limit by. If your course is not exceeding the limit, reach out to our support team by opening a case so we can take a closer look at your course. 

Colin Buck

I have been trialing Rise 360 for my online students for sometime and while I find Rise 360 awesome for creation and viewing, the feedback from students identified  the shortcoming of being (purely) web based where students are unable to save progress, is likely to prevent continued use. I am aware of the "resume" ability however not all are able to keep a page open for extended times (Many are working and study during breaks).

If anyone has a solution I would be very grateful.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Colin, 

You'll need to upload your published courses to an LMS if you want the progress of your learners to be saved. Webservers can only host HTML content, but an LMS has the added ability of being able to save your learner's progress, as well as generate helpful reports regarding how well they did. You can read more about the benefits of using an LMS here