Turning Storyline static characters into animated characters.

Jul 04, 2012

After installing Storyline on my system at work, I began working with the static image characters. They're very easy to use but I wish Articulate had come out with a way to make these characters come to life. I managed to use a couple of cost effective programs to convert these static characters to animated characters. After several attempts at using different applications, I managed to simplify the process and now I can animate all the Storyline characters with ease.

47 Replies
mike elearning

Hi Stefano, great example and thanks for your help!

I'm just wondering how exactly did you get the transparency effect on the video? I gather you used Dell Avatar Creator - of which i guessed you saved as avi (?)  but obv this comes with background!

What software did you use to convert the file to flv with a transparent bg?

Stefano Posti

Hello there,

I feel a litlle guilty 'cause I should have worked at a Tutorial, since I kind of promised that, but I have never had the chance to...

I meant to show the production process using Storyline, Reallusion CrazyTalk or CrazyTalk Animator2 (if you need full body animation rather than face lipsyncing...), and then a suitable video editing software to create an Alpha transparent flash video file.

One important thing to consider, at present, is that Articulate Authoring tools now convert all video files to .mp4 files, if I'm not wrong, so that transparent videos cannot be displayed in the slides anymore.

I'll see if I can work on this next week.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stefano,

In regards to how Storyline converts the videos, here's how movies are encoded when you insert them into your courses, based on the file format of the videos and the publishing options you choose:

Imported File Type Flash Player Mobile Player HTML5 Player
MP4 Re-encoded to MP4 Re-encoded to MP4 Re-encoded to MP4
FLV (no alpha channel) Encoded to MP4 Encoded to MP4 Encoded to MP4
FLV (alpha channel) No change No change Encoded to MP4
SWF No change Not supported Not supported
All other file types * Encoded to MP4 Encoded to MP4 Encoded to MP4

* For a list of supported video file formats, click here.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Brian,

I'm not sure which follow up you're looking for - but using the characters outside of Storyline would not be something we'd support as technically they're licensed for use with Articulate products as indicated here.  If there was a particular community member here who you were looking for follow up from, you may want to send them a private message. 

Brian Nalley

I have the worst luck getting things to play nice together  Crazytalk Animator 2 now supports making a .png screenshot, or a animated GIF. Both paste perfectly into Powerpoint, but neither work in storyline. And of course, Presenter '09 won't work with the GIF either. '13 probably does, but I just talked my boss into getting Storyline pretty recently, so not gonna get anything else now. I can't win! Lol.

Nancy Woinoski

Ant Pugh said:

ie. can you have the character overlaid on a Storyline background?

The video does not support transparent backgrounds, but if you keep your SL background fairly simple you can make it look like the video is integrated with the background. Take a look at the example I created for Studio 13. I used Crazytalk  and either inserted a copy of my SL background into the video or used a solid colour from the SL background and then when importing the video into Studio just sized the video so that it was sitting on the same colour in SL.


Nancy Woinoski

Jonathan Workman said:

Nancy - This is a nice workaround!  Can this be done without having Studio in the mix and just make it work between PPT and Storyline?  I don't know that many Storyline users have Studio as well...Thanks!

You can definitely do this in Storyline. I have not tried inserting the video in PPT first and then importing into SL because I tend to build from scratch in SL but I can't see why it would not work.
Tony Youens

Brian Nalley said:

I have the worst luck getting things to play nice together Crazytalk Animator 2 now supports making a .png screenshot, or a animated GIF. Both paste perfectly into Powerpoint, but neither work in storyline. And of course, Presenter '09 won't work with the GIF either. '13 probably does, but I just talked my boss into getting Storyline pretty recently, so not gonna get anything else now. I can't win! Lol.

Hi Brian, Sorry if I'm about to tell you something you already know but I use animated GIFs in Storyline all the time. When you publish choose 'Custom optimization' under Quality and then move the video quality slider up to 9.

I hope this helps,


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Catherina,

This thread is a bit older, so I'm not certain that Paul is subscribed. You may want to look at reaching out to him using the "contact me" button on his profile to see if he's able to share some additional information or specifics with you. In the meantime, here is another thread where a few users mentioned having characters that talk - so perhaps those ides will help you as well. 

Best of luck with your project! 

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