Two items: Press a button show some hidden text (not working), Trying to change to a state after three lightboxes pop up

Jun 01, 2020

Hi there,

I hope you don't mind since they are in the same file, I thought I might ask both.

On slide 1.13, my goal is that when all three hot spots have popped up a lightbox they would see the "All visited" state, but I can't guarantee which order they will click them.  You will see I created a state (this is one image the SME gave me), after each lightbox popup, but obviously after the third one i was hoping for the All visited state.  I was thinking a variable, so I created an All visited variable, but I just can't get my brain to figure out how it would work.

On slide 1.16, I thought this was simple, I didn't really need a layer, so I have a button and I have text.  I hid the text at initial state and just said when you click this button change state of text to normal.  I created an extra state called visible to test, but it just doesn't work, and I am sure this is simple, but am I missing something?  I can do a layer but it didn't seem necessary.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

8 Replies
Sam Hill

Hi Teresa, the way you approached with the states of the graphic was going to be complex. What you needed was individual buttons that you could have "Visited" states on that would show the new yellow title and tick. Rather than using Hotspots (I can see why you might turn to those), it is better to use a shape, without an outline and with the background set to a transparency of 100%. You can then stack these buttons over the top of the graphic. Once clicked, they automatically show the "Visited" state. You can then use the Visited state of all three buttons to determine the state of the Next button if necessary.

See the attached file for the solution for slide 1.13

Teresa Vanderpost

Hey Sam, thanks for the suggestion,  I will take a look at your solution today.  Much appreciate the time and the explanation.

Walt, I thought maybe it had to be corrupted, as it seems like such a basic step, press a button, change text from hidden to normal trigger, but it just wouldn't work, I even re built as well.  So I went and did a layer this morning instead...but a little annoying LOL!

Thank you both for replying, I will check out Sam's suggestion now :)

Teresa Vanderpost

Sam, this works great, and I am going to try to build it myself. I was hoping I could do buttons, but I thought I had to do hotspots, as I needed to trace the portion of the circles in case they wanted to test me (lol) and  try to click the side of the systemic circle so that is why I did a free form text box.  But I think your buttons pretty much cover those areas.  So each button is in front of the other...I am going to give it a try, yours works exactly as I was hoping for.  :)

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