Unable to jump to file in Storyline

Aug 09, 2013

I am trying to jump to a file I attached to my storyline project when the user clicks the button. However, after publishing the project, the file doesn't open.

The file path is C:\\Users\\UserID\\Desktop\\Documents\\Folder\\Example.pdf

Could it be a firewall issue as to why the file won't open? Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot?



3 Replies
Josh Uhlig


The way you've listed it, only the computer the file is saved on would be able to open it.  So anyone on a different computer would be unable to see the file (since it is mapped to the individual computer's hard drive). 

I suggest uploading the file to a shared server.  The best option would be to use a webserver and then use a URL address to open the file rather than a file pathname.

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