unlimited Quiz Attempts on passing Quiz

Aug 06, 2021


I have simple pre test. I need to have option before going to result to check/change my answer. I do not want to give hint by adding any try again.

Also could I give multiple attempts when He/She attempted correct.

Because I observed Question gets freeze once I attempted correct.

Sharing structure:

Question >> Two Button: 1 for Check/change Quection  redirecting to 1st question, another is to Goto Result >> Result slide

1 Reply
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Sanket.

Thank you for reaching out!

One suggestion I have for your scenario is to submit all the questions at once at the end of the quiz. That way, the users will be able to move through the question slides using the previous and next buttons and change their answers before they are set as final:

Let me know if this works!