urgent help needed, please... Storyline file all of a sudden distorted on the LMS for no reason -- Cornerstone

Feb 16, 2017


I created a file in Storyline and published it for the LMS.

While in the Cloud Scorm test it works fine,

it doesn't on the Cornerstone LMS. Text and images are not where they're supposed to be, a lightbox is just a complete mess.

What is this?! 

Please help me. I need to deliver this project and am running out of patience and energy.

8 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Oh no, Naelag! Sounds like it's something related to Cornerstone, since it looks fine in SCORM Cloud. I know you're in a hurry to get this sorted out - perhaps you can contact other Cornerstone users from this CSOD thread directly. 

Have you uploaded the published content for this particular project to Cornerstone multiple times? If so, Emily suggests first inactivating the old published version before uploading a new one.  If you try to overwrite it, it will be all jumbled up. So, inactivate and then "create / publish" a new file.

Give that a try, and in the meantime, hopefully other Cornerstone users can jump in here and assist!

Will Findlay

What Alyssa said about a course update issue is what first came to mind for me as well. When I need to update a course in the Cornerstone's Course Publisher, I always first delete all of the old course files forst. I've found that if I instead let CSOD try and determine which files to update and which files to leave alone, that it ends up jumbling things up, so I just always start with a fresh empty directory.

So, before I upload a new version of a SCORM package I always clear out the existing files first, rather than relying on Cornerstone to sync the changes:

 demonstration of cleaning out the directory.

Naelag Yaba

THank you very much! I am very relieved to tell you that it works now.

So my explanation is: Cornerstone needed some hours or even a day to update the file. 

Mabye because of the file confusion you describe above. Someone else uploaded my file on the platform, so I don't know how exactly it was done. but i shared your advice with the person.

Thank u so much again.

Will Findlay

The CSOD Course Publisher is definitely a thing of much mystery.  It does indeed take a while for new files to replace old, and this is not because of your local browser cache, but something going on on their web servers.

It's like it caches files on the server side, and as the cache is being flushed, it seems that different users can launch the same version of a course after an update, and some of them see the new version, and some do not (I think it might hinge on whether they were registered for the course before). Eventually it updates for everyone, but not all at once. I'm guessing that they are trying to avoid pulling the rug from under people who are in the middle of taking a course, but really, who knows?

Fortunately I think that CSOD is planning on making this tool more informative. 

Quinn Kampschroer

I also had this issue this past Friday.  I tried re-versioning, I tried creating a copy of the Storyline file and uploading that file.  Finally, I went back and just uploaded the original file to no avail, at which point I just said "screw it."  When I came in on Monday, the formatting was fine.  

So in conclusion, it sometimes takes a few minutes...and sometimes a day or two for everything to upload.

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