Using Storyline for Website building

Mar 19, 2014

Does anyone do this?

If so, have you been able to make it display adverts to display adverts with the purpose of raising revenue?

17 Replies
Simon Perkins

I believe Bruce built a part of his site using SL, but I think it was a showcase for his SL skills/portfolio etc.  This was a couple of years ago IIRC so I could be wrong.

Can't see the benefits of using SL to build an ad-based revenue aggregating site if I'm honest.  How many browser conflicts are you likely to have?  A fair few I would guess.

If I was doing this I'd look at using WordPress (or similar) and make use of existing plugins.  Or pay someone else to do it.

Phil Mayor

Simon Perkins said:

I believe Bruce built a part of his site using SL, but I think it was a showcase for his SL skills/portfolio etc.  This was a couple of years ago IIRC so I could be wrong.

Can't see the benefits of using SL to build an ad-based revenue aggregating site if I'm honest.  How many browser conflicts are you likely to have?  A fair few I would guess.

If I was doing this I'd look at using WordPress (or similar) and make us to existing plugins.  Or pay someone else to do it.

Agree with simon here, from an SEO/Google point of view it will not work.  I am having my website rebuilt using wordpress (I don't have time to do this myself).  

Joshua Roberts

Personally it would be too difficult to run a website storyline module with the purpose of creating revenue. The amount of updating, republishing and rehosting you would have to do would just for the small revenue that could be generated.

If you are looking for that though I'd suggest your best option being WordPress and hosting a module through there and monetizing the blog. 

Using a storyline module for hosting a portfolio is a fantastic idea, but in all seriousness you're going to struggle to keep creating content to make it anywhere near efficient enough to generate any serious cash.

Howie Pearson

I'll confess that i'm not using it for learning purposes, more fun purposes and i don't expect to need to make many (if any) changes once published and it'll only likely to be used for perhaps a 3 month period. 

My idea is creating some fun interactions but i do expect it to generate alot of interest for a period. 

Bruce Graham

Yes, my website is built in Storyline, and yes, it does not currently allow all the usual SEO etc.

HOWEVER.....(and this is where I differ from many people)....

I always ask new clients how they "find" me, an it seems that they seldom if EVER do a Google Search. They look at forums, blogs, they look HERE, and they then they end-up at my "website" to get / confirm my contact details and look at examples.

If I know people have visited the website, I know they are probably already through the Pipeline, and we can move straight to "business talk".

This is a specific, planned strategy - very different, and not without a certain amount of risk, but I have worked very hard to make it work for me, and it has proved very successful over the last 5 years.

I asked a new client who rang yesterday the question, "Where did you find me?", and her answer... "Everywhere!" was why I work this way.

Different strategies suit different people. Yes...I will be changing mine to a more "standard" one later this year for other reasons, but I will still use SL as much as I can within it.

Ben  Wyse

I used Storyline to build a Landing Site for a client in advance of their full site.   The Landing Page was used to generate interest and build a mailing list with MailChimp.   We had a about 300,000 hits and collected about 37,400 addresses prior to launch.  All of the text in the Storyline is also embedded in the HTML under the player so Google can read it.    I am currently working on an interactive map for a solar energy client which I am building in Storyline to use on a website.

Here is the Storyline landing page on my DropBox:  

The final live site is   

Ben  Wyse

Sorry it took me a year to respond.  I didn't see this.   My principal work life is web development and I don't use SL for an actual full web development in the classic sense .... the StorMp3 project aside.  However, I have found that SL is a great tool for self contained presentations which can be delivered via web or carried on a thumb drive. 

Storyline is also great for creating interactive elements to use on websites.  ,

Thanks,  let me know if you have any other questions.

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