Variables - exact name, numbers and dollar value query

Feb 07, 2018

Hi, I'm new to this and have been trying to figure this out for hours but can't get my head around all the info I've read, so help is very much appreciated. I'm using 360.

I know how to add the variable and name it but getting it to work how I want it is the trick. I want learners to:

  1. enter a 'specific name' (Joe Bloggs - case sensitive) that then allows them to AUTOMATICALLY jump to the next slide if it is spelled correct
  2. enter 'specific numbers' ie 12345 - same automatic move
  3. enter 'specific dollar value' ie 540.63 (includes decimal point)- same automatic move

I'm thinking the automatic move is perhaps ambitious but your thoughts will be appreciated. I'm trying to use it as a computer simulation in an accounting program. I also think it's the trigger that I don't understand.

In advance, thanks.

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