Variables from Suvery Question to a database?

Jul 11, 2014

Hello All

Is it possible to send variables from Suvery Question to a database?

5 Replies
Robert Lengacher

Bo - You should be able to do this by inserting an Execute JavaScript trigger that starts with the code below

//Create a variable called player that opens access to data in the Storyline Player

var player = GetPlayer();

//Create a variable called a that pulls a specific variable (yourVariable) from the Storyline Player

var a= player.GetVar("yourVariable");

From there, you can add additional JavaScript to send the variable where it's needed. See this page for more guidelines on using JavaScript with Storyline.

Bo Toennesen

Hi Robert

So there is no way to store information in a database from Articulate Storyline , but you told me with javascript can save variables on that way you describe.

I look at the page that you referred to and there was also an example of storing variables in a txt file.

Do you or others know how you can also read this information back again?

Let's say you create an array that can hold 10 names of art, 10 forenames and 10 afternames. of the artest

Does anyone know how to do it? and if there are any problems with this when we do it on your website?

Bo Toennesen

I mean back in storyline from the txt file, on the video he show how to save it on a txt file, but I wil also have it back in Articulate

I dont need the information on a excel ark to a database, but I ned to could control how I get the information from the txt file. and I mean that should come from a array when you have lots of the same information.

If I can save the informations I get from input in Articulate in a txt file and olso get it back will I have what I need.

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