web objects not displaying when viewed in Windows

May 05, 2014

Hi -- 

I embedded a web object in one of presentations. It works fine when I view the course with a Mac, but when using several PCs the website does not display. There is not error message, the slide is just blank. Any ideas why this might be/how to fix it? 


14 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lauren,

First, can you tell me how you're viewing the published presentation, please? Are you viewing the published output files locally, or are you uploading to a web server or LMS?

If you're viewing your published files locally, this may be the problem. If you view a published Storyline presentation on your local hard drive or send it to someone else to view on their local hard drive, you'll encounter security restrictions from the computer, web browser, Flash Player, and network that'll cause various features of your content to fail.

To properly test your published content and share it with others, upload it to the environment for which it was published. Please review the article below for more information:

Publishing and Sharing Articulate Storyline Content

  • I suggest using SCORM Cloud for your course - it's a great place to test SCORM content.
  • Another option would be to use our Tempshare server. Just keep in mind that this server is only available for testing content - it is not officially supported by Articulate and all content will be removed automatically after 10 days.
  • You're always welcome to try out Articulate Online, as well - it's available for a free 30 day trial.

Let us know if you still have trouble viewing your web objects.


Lauren Bradley

Hi Christine,

Thanks for your response! I published the Articulate presentation for LMS delivery and uploaded it on Coursesites. Everything else seems to be working fine, and I can view the SCORM output data. The person who was having trouble viewing the web object was viewing the presentation via Coursesites. Any other suggestions?


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lauren,

Just want to clarify - is this only happening for one person that views this project? Do you see the same issue on your end, if you view it through Coursesites as well?

If it's specific to only one or some viewers, it may be something to do with their web browser, Flash version or possibly addons or cache. 

If it's happening for everyone that views the course, it might be a good idea to take a look. If you could share the URL for the project here, or the .STORY file, I'd be happy to see what's happening.


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lauren,

Does sound a bit strange - I'd like to see what's happening, definitely. 

Sorry about the error with the forums, if the file is too large (over 20 MB or so) you might see an error when attempting to upload. 

You're welcome to share using Dropbox, if you'd like, or you can submit the file through a support case. Just request my attention by inserting ::christine:: in the description. This should assign the case and file to me, so I can personally take a look.

Thanks, Lauren! 

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lauren,

Thanks for sending that in! I did receive the case (#00398368 for my reference) and the file. 

I published the project for "Web" and uploaded to my test site:



(Windows 8.1)

  • Chrome Version 34.0.1847.131 m - Web Object displays correctly.
  • Mozilla Firefox version 29.0 - Web Object displays correctly.
  • Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.17105 - Web Object displays correctly.
  • Safari 5.1.7 (7534.57.2) - Web Object displays correctly.

I published for "LMS" and uploaded to SCORM Cloud for testing:



(Windows 8.1)

  • Chrome Version 34.0.1847.131 m - Web Object does not display correctly.
  • Mozilla Firefox version 29.0 - Web Object does not display correctly.
  • Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.17105 - Web Object does not display correctly.
  • Safari 5.1.7 (7534.57.2) - Web Object displays correctly.

I pulled the same URL into a new project and tested different versions of the web object. In the slide, it doesn't load. In the slide using HTTPS instead of HTTP results in the same behavior. Opening the web object in a new window, however, does load the page correctly. I also changed the URL in the web object and tested, but experienced the same issue. 

I realize this may not be a solution for you, as it seems you're wanting learners to interact with the web object. That's understandable.

However, are you able to take a look and let me know if you see the same thing on your end, please? 

If so, we may need to look into some additional investigation. 

Thanks, Lauren!

Lauren Bradley

Hi Christine,

Thanks for looking into this! Yes, it appears that the same thing is happening on my end. I also tested adding other websites via the web object feature, and they are not appearing as well.  I definitely would like users to interact with the web object, so if there's a way to figure out a solution to this issue it would be much appreciated!


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lauren,

I'm still testing this and I wanted to share something I found:

I think it's the URL for the project that's causing a problem - I also think that reusing that same web object after it's used that URL is impacting the display.

I created a brand new project and inserted a completely different URL (https://www.articulate.com) in the first slide. 

In the second and third slides, I used the (http://calorieking.com) URL. 

In the web version, all load perfectly.

In the LMS version, only the second and third web objects fail to display. 

Could you please take a look at this and let me know if you see the same behavior?

Web Version

LMS Version

Thanks again!

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lauren,

I've done some additional testing and I've also reached out to a colleague of mine (Justin Grenier) to assist with the issue. He came to the same conclusion, but provided some additional details that may explain why this is happening.

Here are a few tests that Justin ran:

·        CalorieKing(HTTP) at Dropbox (HTTPS)

·        CalorieKing(HTTP) at ArticulateTest.com (HTTP)

·        CalorieKing(HTTP) at SCORM Cloud (HTTPS)

·        Articulate.com(HTTPS) at Dropbox (HTTPS)

·        Articulate.com(HTTPS) at ArticulateTest.com (HTTP)

·        Articulate.com(HTTPS) at SCORM Cloud (HTTPS)

This seems to fail only whenattempting to load HTTP content on an HTTPS page.  This is known as MixedContent, and thisKB Article applies.  When that article was written, it only applied toFirefox. However, it seems as though Chrome and Internet Explorer are now also applying the same standards.

CalorieKing doesn't have asecure site, so if you try to visit that site via HTTPS, it will simply redirectyou to the HTTP version.

ThisIE Notification and thisChrome notification are what tell you that there is a problem.

I'm going to reach out to our documentation team to update the original article that covers Chrome. 

It does seem that this is specific to the URL/site and how the web browsers handle that content. At this point, it may be best to launch the web object in a new browser window or perhaps make a screen recording of the process and provide a hyperlink for the learner to review after they've seen the recording. 

I know that wasn't what you were hoping to do with your course, but I certainly hope this information helps.

Thanks, Lauren!

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