What is the fastest way to adjust a timeline duration?

Mar 06, 2017

What is the fastest way to adjust a timeline duration? 

Suggest a better way if you have it. Thanks!

This may seem easy to some but I'm putting this out there in case in pros have a faster way.  Have you ever had a super long time line way longer then was needed because you hacked a scene in aims to repurpose for a new project?

This is how I do it. 


Learn more about Timelines here on Heros.


25 Replies
Ryan DeWitt

Thank you for the feedback ladies! It works. This matter seems take a combination of tips to address given that certain "not to end"  tracks can prohibit the total timeline shortening. 

For me using the left arrow  has a serious pause before it  moves it over, I'll mention that possibility, but very very helpful and I'll adjust the video.  

Jack Bennett

This is a great trick - will save me lots of frustrated dragging. I had to add an additional step as the videos on my timeline had also extended out. I put a c marker when the video had officially finished and then placed an object at that point for 1 sec duration then left arrowed key worked like a dream :-)  

Cristina Emberton

I am on a MAC using Bootcamp. What I have found is that just grabbing the end, holding the click down, and hitting the arrow does not work. What does work is highlighting all of the elements that are set to "show until end" and then click, hold, left arrow will immediately bring the timeline to the beginning (or to the last element that is NOT "show until end")