What's the best way to relink broken file links?

Jul 09, 2019

I recently made updates to a Storyline file that was created  by someone else. This course has several external links inserted within various slides. Unfortunately, the links got broken once I opened the Storyline file on my system. It appears they were directly linked from the course creator's local drive.

Is there any efficient way to relink the files? The only thing I can think of is uploading all the files to Resources and relinking the files from there. Would anyone know a better way to fix this issue? 

2 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Sharmi and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are working on.

Yes, I would recommend adding the files to the resources portion of Storyline as this documentation explains. This allows the documents to become a part of the Storyline course content and is included in the published output files as well.

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