XLIFF imports with no error but loses data

Nov 03, 2021

We exported a .story file to XLF 1.2 and created a pseudotranslation to test the import. When we import the pseudotranslated XLF, there is no error from Storyline, but only the slide names update to the pseudotranslation strings. All body content on the slides disappears completely -- we don't even see the original English copy. 

7 Replies
Sonja Olson

A quick update: the pseudo translated strings are in Storyline, because after the import, we tested exporting the story again, this time as MS Doc, and the psuedo translation appears in the Source Text column of the tables. They just are not visible in the Storyline editor. 

We also tested an export to MS Word from the original, clean English .story file. Test translations from that do display in Storyline after we import the translation back in, but because of the way the course is structured, we believe that XLF is a better solution to manage the translations.