XLIFF Not Importing

Mar 06, 2013


I have followed the instructions in the Import/Export tutorial to create an XLIFF file. When I try to Import the translated file Storyline says that the import was successful but the text is still unchanged.

The same problem doesn't seem to occur with Word versions of the translations files, but we are forced to use XLIFF for our translation service.

I have tried to make just one or two changes to the files to see if there was a mistake in the translation process. Those files behaved the same way - Storyline said it was successful but no changes were made.


9 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Karessa,

I'm not sure which instructions you reviewed, but try to make sure that you are following the correct process on how to localize content, using Storyline's translation features:
Tutorials > Content > Translating Storyline Content

If the issue continues, it may be a good idea to share the file with our support team, so we can investigate the issue. You'll be able to attach the .STORY or XLIFF file on the second page of the following form:

Articulate Support - Submit a Support Case

Please be sure to include a description of your issue. Please also include the URL for this thread in the form. Also, please share the case number with me. You're welcome to do so here, or in a private message. This way I can follow the progress of the case and update this thread.


Karessa Torgerson

Hello! The case number is : #00322706

Support recommended replacing all /<target state="new" xml:lang="de-DE"//> tabs with /<target/>. This seems to have moved us a step further - it does change the text!

Unfortunately, the text boxes are empty after import. Have you seen this before?

(Please ignore the extra /s. They were necessary to make the strings show!)

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Karessa,

Thanks for the case number! I'm afraid I haven't seen that before, and it looks like Cleo hasn't either. I do see that he suggested creating a new file. If that doesn't work out, please be sure to let him know. 

Hopefully we'll be able to get this up and running for you soon


Karessa Torgerson

Thanks, Christine! Your timing is great. We just had the first successful import. Cleo helped us to see that we needed to:

1.       Remove segmentation markers.

2.       Remove codes in both source and target.

3.       Simplify the target tags.

Thanks again for following up.

Pauly Barnes

Hey Christine,

Popping in here real quick because I seem to be having the same issue as Karessa. Could I get more detail about the following:

1.       Remove segmentation markers.

3.       Simplify the target tags.

I have simplified the Target and source tags to just be  and , however I am still finding some text boxes becoming blank. Please let me know.

BTW, I just noticed you changed your pic from the "Flowing in the Wind Christine". You should put that one back in, it reminded me of spring and the weather is starting to get better!

Ren Gomez

Hi Susanne,

I'm sorry to hear this error keeps appearing for you when attempting to import an XLF file! I see that our team has helped you in the past with Rise translations, and I'd like to have them take a look at your files for Storyline.

I've opened a case on your behalf with our team, so you should see an email with an upload link arrive shortly. Once we receive your files, we'll begin testing and get back to you with next steps!