Branching within a Quiz doesn't work when reviewing

Aug 10, 2012

Hi Everyone,

I have a 12 question quiz that includes branching.  Questions 1-4 are asked in a linear format.  The rest of the questions are based around 3 case studies (cs) they have to review.  The user sees a cs menu and they can choose to view:

cs1 and questions  5,6,7

cs2 and 8,9,10, or

cs3 and questions 11,12. 

They have to answer all questions, I just give them a branching menu to pick their order. Questions, 7, 10, and 12 are triggered to return to the cs menu when the Submit button is clicked.  Once they have viewed the 3 case studies and all of the questions, they are then permitted to see the results screen.

Everything works like a top when taking the quiz.  The problem occurs when they are allowed to review the quiz.  All of the submit buttons then become Next buttons.  So when the user gets to questions 7,10, or 12, the Next button doesn't know where to send the viewer and so they are stuck.  They have to click the Prev button back up the branch.  I tried adding a Next button to questions 7,10, and 12, but then the button is visible during the actual quiz and could be clicked instead of submit.

I hope this isn't too confusing.  And I appreciate any help.  Thanks! 

5 Replies
Matt Coates

Just as a follow up to the community in case anyone runs into this again, here is the fix from Articulate support.  It works!  Thanks to Jayem Abania, my support engineer.

To workaround the issue, you will need to insert a blank slide right after the last slide of each scenario. Add a trigger to this blank slide that will jump to the Case Studies slide when the Timeline Starts. I tested it out and it seems to work as expected.

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