Adding narration from voice over talent to Storyline

May 27, 2016

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our consultant has left me with a course that was developed in Storyline that has not been narrated.  I have a colleague that is willing to record the narration, however he does not have access to Storyline and he does not work/live nearby.  I am somewhat overwhelmed trying to figure out the best possible way to have him record the narration in such a way that it will be easy for me to import into the course.  I am guessing that those who hire voice over talent might be able to guide me.  Do I have him record one very long file using Audacity, then break it apart into separate files for upload into individual slides?  Or do I have him record each slide as an individual file?  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

5 Replies
Christy Tucker

I prefer to record it all as one file so I can do noise reduction and other adjustments all at once. If he makes an error in recording, just have him pause to leave some silence so you can cut it cleanly and then restart that section.

When you edit, you remove all the unwanted audio (bad takes, coughs, etc.) and do whatever cleanup is needed. Label each slide, then use Export Multiple to export them all automatically.

Ulises Musseb

I prefer to record a separate file for each slide and/or layer. using Audacity (or any other audio editing software for that matter), it's easy to apply the same filters to all files through a macro.

The removal of repetitions, clicks, coughs, etc, has to happen. Those can be edited out in Audacity or in SL (if it's just removal and no further editing is needed).

I guess the best and most effective way of working with the audio may depend on how much you know of the features available in Audacity.

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